Behind the Scenes with Earnix Price-It

Behind the Scenes with Earnix Price-It

The White Paper is intended for banking business and technical leaders who are evaluating ways to vastly improve their pricing strategies and operations. It will assist senior management, pricing groups, analytics teams, and IT in their quest for the best in proven, modern pricing technology.

5 Key Takeaways for Insurance Pricing Actuaries in 2023

This eBook makes recommendations for practical and timely upgrades that carriers can make to their technology infrastructure and software applications.

The Modern Approach to Embedded Insurance

Insurers have been offering embedded insurance for nearly a century. While embedded insurance is an established concept, technology is now available that vastly increases choice for consumers and allows them to receive truly personalized offers.

Leveraging Technology to Fulfill Insurers’ Climate Change Commitments

Leveraging Technology to Fulfill Insurers’ Climate Change Commitments

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) is a topic of intense global focus and discussion today among governments, corporations, non-profits, and concerned citizens and consumers. With their far-reaching scope and impact, ESG commitments can appear daunting, as in many ways they can be as broad and as deep as one cares to define them.

Four Insurance Considerations to Stay Ahead in 2023

Four Insurance Considerations to Stay Ahead in 2023

Insurers face new trends, industry complications, and technology changes. In this eBook, we examine four of these new developments and show how they can present a real opportunity for insurance carriers who can quickly react and take advantage of all they have to offer.

Capitalize on Intelligent InsurOps to Combat Inflation

This Whitepaper takes a deep dive into how digitization, competition, and customer expectations are disrupting the vehicle finance industry. It examines how technology is changing the way vehicle finance companies need to sell, price, underwrite, retain, and cross-sell to create a more modern, digital-first vehicle finance business.

Alternative Deal Structures: Leveraging Advanced Pricing Analytics

In today’s hyper-competitive automotive lending market, consumers have a wide variety of vehicle choices, shopping venues, and financing options. Alternative deal structures (ADS) have become a must-have way for lenders to keep potential borrowers from walking away, whether those consumers are buying in person or online.
Playbook: Best Practices for Risk-Based Pricing in Auto Lending

Playbook: Best Practices for Risk-Based Pricing in Auto Lending

This playbook describes the challenges caused by existing, “status quo” pricing models while also highlighting how a new analytics-driven approach to risk-based pricing using machine learning can help auto lenders achieve their most critical goals.