Displaying "Governance and Compliance" articles (11)

Europe’s Big Bang on Pricing

Europe’s Big Bang on Pricing

EIOPA recommended in March 2023 a ban on price walking – the practice of increasing premiums on renewals based on non-risk factors. European insurers will need best-in-class pricing systems that can adapt quickly to the volatile and unpredictable market that will follow.

Leveraging Technology to Fulfill Insurers’ Climate Change Commitments

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) is a topic of intense global focus and discussion today among governments, corporations, non-profits, and concerned citizens and consumers. With their far-reaching scope and impact, ESG commitments can appear daunting, as in many ways they can be as broad and as deep as one cares to define them.

Meet New Regulatory Changes Faster & Easier

The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) aims to tackle ‘Price walking’ through the implementation of new rules that protect consumers from loyalty penalties related to various insurance products. These updates are likely to change the insurance industry as firms will now have to offer renewal prices that are no higher than the prices offered to new customers.
Driving ROI Through Digital Transformation eBook

Driving ROI Through Digital Transformation eBook

Demonstrating IT leadership in the insurance industry today goes well beyond the traditional tasks of automating manual processes, maintaining the status quo, and making incremental improvements in people, processes, and technology. IT has become more deeply embedded in, and more critical to, business success than ever before.
The Industry's most Competitive Insurance Pricing Software

The Industry's most Competitive Insurance Pricing Software

Today, there’s a real opportunity for P&C insurance companies that can quickly develop and deploy perfectly priced offerings to meet ever-changing market conditions and evolving customer demands.

Brochure: Earnix Governance and Compliance

Insurance providers face increasingly stringent compliance requirements as well as the need to manage—and minimize—overall risk. Yet too many still rely on spreadsheets, paper forms, and other manual efforts in their attempt to manage governance and compliance processes.

Powerful & Seamless Analytical Pricing for Banking

With Earnix, banks can build pricing models in the integrated Earnix model creation tools or integrate them from third-party platforms with ease. Models become an integral part of the pricing system and can be immediately used in forecasting and pricing activities. As integral parts of the pricing infrastructure, models are also fully auditable.
Airplane Engine

Business Velocity Engine for Banking & Finance

The Earnix Business Velocity Engine adds automation to the enterprise pricing and personalization process, empowers it with real-time deployment capabilities and robust governance and compliance features. It delivers business velocity throughout the organization.